Anthropology is Everywhere

Helidth Ravenholm Consultations

Intersectional Identities – the Ukrainian LGBT+ newsletter

Today, we are sharing an email by a member of the LGBT+ group in Ukraine. It is the most recent piece of communication we have received directly; we are sharing it to offer insight not only into the reality of intersectional identities, but into a day in a life of a member of a minority under siege in two ways – ideologically, in their own space, but also literally, by a force that is known to wage both physical and legal/rhetorical violence towards that particular minority. Life is often harder for intersectional identities in peace as well as in war. We hope that us sharing this newsletter will help inform the world on this matter. Our thoughts are with the writer and his friends.

Dear Friends,
There is no significant changes in our situation. From the place where I and 4 other people are now (my friends and colleagues of Nash Mir Alexander, Oleg and Oleg’s parents) to the front line is about 20-30 km; we hear distinct sounds of explosions every day. We are in some geographical “pocket”, so bombs have not fallen on us so far. But, as you understand, during the war the next hour can be completely different. There is a risk of further Russian offensive in our direction.
My boyfriend joined the National Guard of Ukraine a week ago. I am very proud of him!
But just two days after he joined the Ukrainian army, Russian troops fired missiles at his unit. A few hours later he texted me: “I was born in a shirt!” (equivalent: be born with a silver spoon in mouth)
I myself only hear the sounds of war, read and see it on media, but now this war came to my family. It is terrible.

Our publication on FB today:
We express our sincere gratitude to one of the oldest American and international LGBTQ organizations, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, for their help to Ukraine in this difficult time! This group of burlesque “Catholic nuns” has long been involved in charity and demonstrates the same unanimous support of our people as all the leading LGBTQ organizations of the Free World — precisely because this world is free, unlike the Russian World with its homophobic and inhuman ideology.
The Ukrainian homophobic movement was most annoyed and frightened by drag queens, but they proved to be our allies, and the world’s main provider of the “Traditional Values” turned out to be our fierce and ruthless enemy.
“By their fruits ye shall know them,” the Bible says. In our bitter experience, now we are learning what is good and what is evil.

At the moment, money is not important for us. Our task now is to survive and protect our land. But we hope and are confident in the victory of Ukraine in this war. It simply cannot be otherwise. And after the war, we will definitely return to our daily work – to promote LGBT+ rights to make our country a better place. Then, of course, we will need money.
If you have opportunity and would like, please support us financially.
The bank system of Ukraine is still working properly. We constantly receive small donations through
PayPal (to: and bank transfers are available.

Слава Україні! – Героям слава!
Glory to Ukraine! – Glory to heroes!

Warmly and best regards,

Andriy Maymulakhin

LGBT Human Rights Nash Mir Center