Category: Diversity and Inclusivity
The one where I extol the virtues of anthropology
Is anthropology useful? This question usually happens right before a person admits they know next to nothing about the science in question. (Which, I should say, leaves us with a […]
Diversity, inclusion and going back to normal – what happens if we no longer do online conferencing?
2020, the syrup of nightmares though it may have been, brought with it one very important feature – online everything, including conferencing.The results have varied; for many people, going back […]
Getting back to things… after taking a time off
Learning to stop working and give oneself a break and then going back to it (hopefully relatively fresh and rested) are possibly two greatest steps in our professional existence. I […]
Should we keep up serious debates during the holidays? Reflections on overworking
Initially, this was going to be a complex post about responsibility and change, because they are current hot topics and because many of the people I talk with and clients […]