Tag: business anthropology
When it’s nobody’s fault (and it can be)
Recently, I discussed a difficult situation with someone; it’s a situation that, sooner or later, represents us all. What happens when something goes wrong, but it’s nobody’s fault?Especially nowadays, when […]
Should we keep up serious debates during the holidays? Reflections on overworking
Initially, this was going to be a complex post about responsibility and change, because they are current hot topics and because many of the people I talk with and clients […]
The Forbes Power Women’s Summit – key takes and impressions
There are few events that are not, in some way, about power. If, socially, power is about being able to be seen and heard, to assert one’s presence and knowledge, […]
De-escalating client issues : how to work with less than an optimal situation
No work with clients – and other humans in generally – is just sunshine. There will be bad days, misunderstandings, cultural and social differences, and above all, people who expect […]
Lesbians Who Tech : The key takes from the keynotes
If you have never heard of it, you should have – the Lesbians Who Tech summit is a conference for the LGBTQ+ community and allies, with the focus on those […]