Tag: anthropology is everywhere
Partner Communication in Different Cultures
Partner communication is probably the most important thing that makes or breaks a relationship between you and your partner(s); it’s something everyone keeps saying you should do, but at the […]
Goth in the jungle – subculture and variety
We’ve survived the extensively Halloween themed week, so now, we’ll be moving on with a variety of anthropological themes. Today, we’ll be looking at subculture and variety, and we’ll use […]
We have reached Halloween. We’ve gone through vampires, werewolves, ghosts and witches and anthropological debate to do it, but here it is, and I hope you have a nice evening […]
Anthropology and psychology of fear
We are slowly reaching the night of Halloween, and I bet most of you are being bombarded by reruns of horror films, skulls, blood cocktails (I’m serious – there is […]
Black cats and chthonic worlds
Today, we’re into superstitions, black cats and voodoo dolls. Or something similar, but far less eloquently phrased (thank you for this song, Ricky Martin, you created a classic! 🙂 ). […]