Proud to present a guest post by two incredible scientists.
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The analysis of three-dimensional (3D) digital replicas of human bones has open new research possibilities not tangible before in biological anthropology. For example, with 3D models, we can better compare human and fossil ancestor bone morphologies. It has also helped to quantify bone morphology differences between males and females. On Forensics, 3D models are used in courts as evidence or as a visual aid to jurors. This 3D model extensive applicability has led to a surge in its creation, with a large portion of models becoming easily accessible to be used in professional contexts, as well as accessed by the wider public. Therefore, the question whether 3D bone replicas should be considered the same as the real bone urges and if the same ethical concerns apply? Another question is what does the general public thinks about the online dissemination of 3D digital replicas of human bones? To find that out a survey was created to gather specialists and non-specialists’ opinions among USA residents. Let us know what you think about this
Text by Vanessa Campanacho and Francisca Alves Cardoso
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